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LineWise Hot Line Base Plate

In the past, it was necessary to shut down an entire transmission line when repairing a high-voltage structure. The new, patented (U.S. patent Nos. 7,750,236 and 8,299,357) Hot Line Base Plate from LineWise is an innovative solution that safely eliminates this issue, while mitigating risks and reducing costs during emergency repairs.

The intent of a structured power line is to maintain adequate clearance between energized conductors and the ground, as well as provide support to the conductors from potential causes of damage during storms or iced lines. The tools and techniques used to hold conductors during repairs often do not have the load rating needed to handle them, however, placing linemen at risk.

Developed by Georgia Power’s Alan Holloman, the Hot Line Base Plate holds a conductor in place during planned construction or emergency repairs without the need to bore holes or for unique banding. It quickly and safely allows transmission crews to install a non-ceramic insulator on a tubular steel, concrete or wood pole.

This versatility greatly increases the speed and efficiency of transmission live-line work, especially since traditional tools require excessive rigging and aren’t intended for long-period installations or wet weather. In conjunction with a material-handling aerial device or line truck, the implementation of the Hot Line Base Plate in Georgia Power fieldwork has shown to reduce maintenance time by an impressive 50 percent – a job that might take a full work day is cut to just four hours.

Capacity is another advantage of the Hot Line Base Plate. Most temporary pole-mounted conductor supports utilize only a single strap or chain tightener, greatly reducing their load capacities. The Hot Line Base Plate boasts two heavy-duty straps reinforced with chaffing pads to reduce the likelihood of strap damage. Not only does this dual-strap design reduce outage time when replacing failed arms or post insulators, but it also means the Hot Line Base Plate can safely hold up to 1,600 pounds – a half ton more than comparable single-strap models.

Plus, with the addition of a single-strap upper attachment that allows for triangulated bracing, the Hot Line Base Plate load capacity increases to 4,000 pounds: the highest load rating available for similar temporary pole mounts.

Aside from the time and cost saving benefits of incorporating the Hot Line Base Plate into transmission work, linemen will experience increased safety and enhanced process improvements – results that are well worth the investment alone.

LineWise is a division of Diversified Products. For more information, contact Diversified Product Development, 1001 Webster Avenue, Waco, Texas 76706, phone 254-757-1177, fax 254-757-1188, or visit the website at