
Simpson issues new Strong-Wall bracing selector Web app

Makes it easier to specify equivalent Strong-Wall Shearwall solutions for wall bracing.

The new Simpson Strong-Tie Strong-Wall Bracing Selector web app provides pre-engineered Strong-Wall shearwall alternatives to code-prescribed braced wall panels.

Simpson Strong-Tie Strong-Wall model numbers and foundation anchorage designs are established to meet job-specific requirements and provide the narrowest bracing solutions possible. This new tool replaces the Strong-Wall Shearwalls Prescriptive Design Guide.

“This app automates our 84-page design guide. With a few easy steps, a designer can select a solution to meet the exact amount of bracing that is required,” said Sam Hensen, Simpson Strong-Tie vice president and general manager, Core Products Group. “This new tool makes it easier to specify equivalent solutions and also provides builders with all the information they need to submit to building departments for permit approvals.”

The Strong-Wall Bracing Selector web app can be used in conjunction with the Simpson Strong-Tie® Wall-Bracing-Length Calculator web app, which helps calculate the required length of wall bracing per the 2009 or 2012 IRC. After the wall-bracing length requirements are determined, project information and bracing requirements can be exported to the Strong-Wall Bracing Selector.

Click here to use the app, which includes a step-by-step tutorial along with a design example.

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