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Asphalt Anchors Expands LineAnchors

Anchors: Asphalt Anchors Expands Line

“Solidly affixing structures to asphalt has always been a problem, so when contractors find something that works they catch on fast”, said Dori Teich, President of Asphalt Anchors Group. “As a result it has become necessary for us to extend our line of anchors and accessories to fulfill the increasing demand”, he continued.

This new line consists of:

Type Thread Length Drill Hole "A" Pull Strength
SP10 3/8” Internal 6" 7/8" 1,500 lb.
SP12 3/8” Internal 6" 7/8" 2,000 lb.
SP12MB Metric M8 12" 7/8" 2,000 lb.
Sp18 7/16 Internal 18" 1" 2,500 lb.
EXP2 Grout

Simple Installation and Economical – To install, first a hole is drilled and filled with EPX2 grout. Next the anchor is inserted into the hole. After a setting time of about 15 minutes the structure may be bolted permanently. BoltHold Anchors permit the removal of structures or equipment mounted on them and are flush to the ground, posing no threats to pedestrians.

These low-cost anchors range in unit price from $8.00 to $12.00. Quantity prices and distributor discounts are available.

Matched Accessories – To further ease installation, AAG also offers a line of precision asphalt drills and dependable grout.

Asphalt Anchors Group is a Division of Designated Parking Corp., – a designer and manufacturer of a line of automatic and manual parking space barriers. These products effectively prevent unauthorized parking.

Designated Parking Corp and its principals have been designing and manufacturing award-winning, high-volume security systems for the automotive, commercial, industrial and residential markets since 1972. The company is a member of STAFDA, the Specialty Tool and Fastener Distributors Association. With product development, engineering and corporate functions headquartered in West Orange, New Jersey, Designated Parking’s products are built at an affiliated world-class ISO Certified manufacturer in Shenzhen, China and sold worldwide.

See these anchors demonstrated at Booth #708 at the STAFDA Show,
Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, Las Vegas, NV - Nov. 11-13, 2013

 The firm’s product lines can be seen on the web at and