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Auger Technologies Alaskaug Pin-On AugersOther Products

Auger Technologies Alaskaug Pin-On Augers

Auger Technologies presents their Alaskaug line of pin-on augers, which are essentially two augers in one, that can be fitted with two different style heads to suit the project at hand. Initially developed to conquer the Alaskan tundra, these heat-treated cast steel heads provide maximum performance and service life, with the convenience of interchangeable heads.

With flighting from 8” to 36” in diameter and either 2 ½ or 2 5/8” cast steel male hex connection, these rugged, versatile augers are configured for digger derricks or production type diggers. Auger teeth and pilot bits can be configured to suit any environment from 1030 blocks for solid surface conditions, to bullet teeth for gravel or dirt. Available with industry-leading lead-times.

Alaskaug Pin-On Augers are ideal for foundation drilling, utilities, telephone and communications, water wells, oil and gas exploration, and more.

In addition to pin-on augers, Auger Technologies also manufactures heavy duty augers for production augers for digger derricks, standard boom type augers, duplex pressure diggers, 9000 bullet type augers, and more. A full range of accessories is available to enhance production and efficiency, including 1030 blocks and carbides, conical/bullet teeth, conical tooth removal and replacement kits, anchor augers, kelly bars, pilot bits, adapters, and more.

Harrison, OH-based Auger Technologies is an innovator in auger technologies. Their revolutionary line of Alaskaug augers are used throughout the world in varied applications. They offer a variety of cutter heads matched to application requirements, for optimal production and service life. Heat treated cast steel heads offer unparalleled production, available as pin-on interchangeable units of mounted-on flight sections configured for digger derricks or production type derricks.

In addition to a full lineup of augers, they provide kelly bars, pilot line controllers, parts, bullet tooth drivers, and their innovative bullet tooth pullers for .865 and .990 bullet teeth.

For additional information visit them online at, email them at or write to them at Auger Technologies, PO Box 588, Harrison, OH 45030.