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Garvin Job Site Temporary Light FixturesCords, Cables & Lights

Cables & Lights: Garvin Job Site Temporary Light Fixtures

The Garvin job site temporary light fixture has a 105-watt high output compact fluorescent lamp and a gasketed, sealed box that prevents dust, dirt and debris from compromising connections. Garvin Industries' job site temporary light fixtures with 105 watt high output compact fluorescent lamps have a gasketed, sealed box that prevents dust, dirt and debris from compromising connections. The snap hook on the top allows an easy install on multiple structural members and swings when hit in high abuse areas.

They have a caged design to protect the glass on lamps and are powder coated green for high visibility. Additionally, direct wire leads on fixtures allow a quick connection every time! No ballast replacement needed and are light weight for ease of handling in awkward positions.

Job site temporary light fixtures with 105 watt high output compact fluorescent lamp. Gasketed, sealed box prevents dust, dirt and debris from compromising connections.

A snap hook on top allows an easy install on multiple structural members and swings when hit in high abuse areas. The caged design protects the glass on lamps.

They are powder coated green for high visibility. Additionally, wire leads on fixtures allow a quick connection every time. No ballast replacement needed. Direct wire! And they are light weight for ease of handling in awkward positions.

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