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Greenfield Cle-Force high-speed steel drills and tapsDrill Bits & Cutting Tools

Drill Bits: Greenfield Cle-Force high-speed steel drills and taps

Greenfield Industries introduces Cle-Force, a value line of high-speed steel drills and taps for the maintenance, construction and industrial markets. This line is a part of the Cle-Line brand of cutting tools which has been a market leader for decades.Greenfield Industries introduces Cle-Force, a value line of high-speed steel drills and taps for the
maintenance, construction, and industrial markets. This line is a part of the Cle-Line brand of cutting
tools which has been a market leader for decades.

Cle-Force tools deliver outstanding quality and value. They are made from top grade materials in modern, technologically advanced factories. From mining the ore to smelting the steel, to manufacturing the final product, these tools undergo stringent quality testing at every step of production. Test Cle-Force tools against your current brand — you'll be impressed with their performance and durability.

The Cle-Force product line includes a wide range of products: general purpose and heavy-duty drills in a
variety of lengths and styles; taper shank drills; Silver & Deming drills; double-end drills; and drill sets.
Both high-speed steel and cobalt drills are available. Select heavy-duty styles have flats on the shanks or
reduced 3/8" shanks for tighter chucking in portable drills. The tap offering includes general purpose hand
taps, spiral point taps, taper pipe taps, and straight pipe taps. A wide variety of drill and tap sizes,
including metric, are available.

For the name of a distributor, or to receive a Cle-Line/Cle-Force catalog, contact Greenfield
Industries Customer Service at 800.348.2885 or email

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