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Mortar Net Solutions TotalFlash Masonry Cavity Wall Drainage SystemOther Products

Mortar Net Solutions TotalFlash Masonry Cavity Wall Drainage System

Mortar Net Solutions, a leading supplier of innovative moisture management solutions for masonry walls, provides customers with a total flashing system for masonry cavity walls. 

Patented, factory-assembled TotalFlash is a complete system that combines a flashing membrane with a mortar-dropping collection drainage mat, weep tabs, drip edge and termination bar into single, easy-to-install panels.

The system is proven to cut installation time by up to 50 percent versus field-installed through-wall flashing pieces and parts.

The TotalFlash system provides additional value through a number of services, including a free takeoff service, bid help and custom panel sizing for wall openings. These services help reduce the contractor’s takeoff and bidding headaches, and significantly speed TotalFlash installation over wall openings.

The CompleteFlash line of pre-formed 14-inch high Corner Boots and end dams, plus compatible sealants allow designers to specify a complete, tested and proven flashing system, and make it easy for contractors to improve flashing quality while cutting installation time. Over one million feet of TotalFlash have been installed throughout the USA and Canada. 

Available in 5-foot, 6-inch (5-foot net) panels and 50-foot rolls, TotalFlash is applicable in all flashing locations, including base of wall, parapet walls and above bond beams, wall openings and structural steel members. Key TotalFlash features include a 90-percent open-weave polyester mesh mortar dropping collection mat and weep tabs, and a standard height of 18 inches. 

“TotalFlash combines products and services into a single system that delivers quality and value.” said Art Fox, marketing manager for Mortar Net Solutions. “TotalFlash is another Mortar Net solution that’s proven to save time, money and headaches while providing a superior moisture management system.” 

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