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Poralu Marine BeBot Robotic Beach Cleaning MachineSafety

Poralu Marine "BeBot" Robotic Beach Cleaning Machine

The world leader in the management, design and manufacture of aluminium marinas, Poralu Marine, as part of its commitment to environmental protection, launches The Searial Cleaners the world’s first range of shoreline waste collectors.

Through this innovative range of solutions, the company strengthens its position as a socially responsible economic player that is committed to the conservation of lakeside and maritime coastline environments.

On September 18, 2020, the European Union set a threshold for washed up marine waste on beaches: fewer than 20 items of debris every 100 metres. Under this threshold, the beach is considered to be in good ecological condition. The Union is now asking member states to roll out strategies for the protection of the marine environment and has set a concrete objective for beaches, drawn up in compliance with the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

In this context, Poralu Marine, the world’s leading manager, designer and manufacturer of aluminium marinas launched The Searial Cleaners, the first range of shoreline waste collectors. For 35 years the company has been an active player in the territorial development of natural shorelines, making them more accessible to people. The quality and the neutrality of Poralu Marine’s products are part of its DNA and bear witness to the company’s consideration of the direct impact of human activity on these fragile zones.

For several years it has observed how littoral zones, or shorelines, have been increasingly damaged with the passing of time. With the development of this first range of products, Poralu Marine meets a central requirement of local authorities and private companies: integrate environmental protection with land and marine development policies. The company is therefore engaged in restoring shores so that humans can go on living in a conserved environment.

By the same token, Poralu Marine strengthens its position as a responsible economic player that is committed to the preservation of lake and maritime shoreline environments. Its ambition is to become the leader in shoreline litter collection. The group’s communication policy is fun, daring and slightly offbeat, showing the company’s capacity to have a real impact on maritime pollution and to change things by achieving results on a large scale.

To this end, the range of innovative and eco-friendly complementary products is represented by a range of super products that are ready to take on this worldwide challenge. Each product has features enabling it to collect solid and liquid waste, both in water and on different types of terrain. Together they form a team of superheroes. The Searial Cleaners, the first of which, known as BeBot, is already being marketed throughout the world via Polaru Marine’s distribution network of products and services. It is a beach cleaning robot that is remotely controlled and moves over sandy beaches to meticulously clean them.

This robot cleans beaches to meet an essential environmental need and drastically simplifies the daily chore. Poralu Marine has developed a product that is perfectly adapted to its clients’ business concerns. Not only does BeBot help protect the environment, but it does so without polluting: it is the only fully electric beach cleaner on the market, using both batteries and solar panels. It therefore emits no greenhouse gases. Thanks to its technology, widely acclaimed by the scientific community, it protects fauna buried under the sand, notably turtle eggs. It helps prevent beach erosion and does not weaken beach subsoils.

To fine clean the sand, the cleaner robot is steered by remote control, which helps protect both the user and the environment. This silent multi-purpose robot can pull loads of up to 1000 kg or be fitted with a trailer to transport parasols, deckchairs, and so on. Both easy to use and autonomous, the robot greatly facilitates the work of its users. BeBot is very quiet and can move around cleaning all day on the beach without disturbing tourists, boaters and people working on the beach.

As part of a framework agreement with the Italian company Niteko, Poralu Marine manufactures, markets and distributes this product throughout the world via a well-established network of partners on every continent.