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Toro STX-38 Stump Grinder with EFI EngineGas Engine Equipment

Gas Engine Equipment: Toro STX-38 Stump Grinder with EFI Engine

Toro's upgraded STX-38 stump grinder now includes an all-new, electronic fuel injection engine (EFI), offering reduced maintenance for rental centers and easier start-up for contractors.

Its hydraulic operation keeps belts from breaking or slipping without the need to adjust tension.

The stump grinder weighs 1,750 lbs. and can travel up to 4.5 mph. Toro has improved the cutter head on the STX-38 resulting in better chip management and a greater ability to grind below grade.

The guarding has been re-shaped and raised to improve chip space and ground clearance under the head. Toro has made these improvements to the machine without reducing cutter wheel visibility.

The unit operates with an Intelli-Sweep feature that automatically adjusts the speed of the wheel when sweeping across a stump to help achieve optimal performance.