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Trend Routing Thin Kerf Professional Circular Saw BladesBlades

Blades: Trend Routing Thin Kerf Professional Circular Saw Blades

Trend Routing's new 29-blade lineup of pro-grade thin-kerf circ saw bladesTrend Routing Technology introduces 29 new thin kerf professional circular saw blades for the framing, finish and specialty contractor markets. The Trend line ranges from 5-3/8" to 12" in diameter and covers cutting wood and wood products, non-ferrous materials, plastics, pressure treated lumber and nail embedded material.

Trend Professional saw blades are manufactured to exact tolerances. The blades feature industrial micrograin carbide teeth, reamed bore, ultra strong brazing material with hardened and tempered plates. The plates are roller tensioned to prevent distortion when the blade is under stress whilst rotating and cutting.

"Trend has been a force in the saw blade market in the United Kingdom for many years," stated Jamie LaMuraglia, Trend Routing Technology Vice President Sales and Marketing. "The North American market is brutally competitive in the circular saw blade category. Trend must be positioned as an excellent quality with unique features at an aggressive price point if we are to break into the market place. I am pleased to state that Trend has succeeded on all counts!"

LaMuraglia pointed to the compound miter saw blades as a perfect example of unique quality at an aggressive price point. He stated, "Trend thin kerf compound miter saw blades employ a -5° hook angle so that the saw blade will not snatch the material. This is a critical component for safety and for producing a clean finish on the material. Whilst there are expensive industrial saw blades that employ this geometry, we are not aware of any of our competitors that are utilizing negative hook in the professional range price point. With a street price of $45 on a 10-inch, 60-tooth compound miter saw blade that is a contractor workhorse, we are positioned to be a force in the circular saw blade market."

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