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Barracuda Brackets Watertight Toilet Flange and Tile GuideOther Products

Barracuda Brackets Watertight Toilet Flange and Tile Guide

Barracuda Brackets new Watertight Toilet Flange and Toilet Flange Tile Guide are products that can prevent mold growth in the sub floor under the toilet. The Watertight Toilet Flange is the only flange in the industry that has a sealed bottom and directs all water down the drain.

The Toilet Flange Tile Guide is a polygon shaped tool that is adhered to the floor around the flange that seals the area from moisture and makes tiling easier.

Black Mold on Hold
When the Watertight Toilet Flange is installed with the Toilet Flange Tile Guide the entire area under the toilet and subfloor is protected and this is called "Black Mold on Hold" Technology. If there was a flood in the bathroom the toilet can be temporarily removed. The non porous Watertight Toilet Flange and the Toilet Flange Tile Guide can be cleaned and the toilet reinstalled with no water damage to the subfloor.

Up 'til now
Every other toilet flange available can allow water into the subfloor damaging the entire area below the toilet. The bathroom floor is exposed to more moisture than any other floor in the house. Since there are no ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standards requiring that ceramic tiles to seal the floor under the toilet, the wooden sub floor can be exposed. This wood and all other material around and under the toilet is a food source for dangerous black mold to grow.

Mold Mitigation Industry
UNYSE Environmental Consultants is the accredited provider of licensing for mold mitigation consultants and contractors for New York State and serves all of the north eastern states. UNYSE has added "Black Mold on Hold" technology to their curriculum. Every consultant and contractor can now recommend Barracuda Brackets' products by name for prevention of mold damage under every toilet

Pricing and Availability
Barracuda sells to Home Depot, Lowes and others along with many online sources. Pricing starts from $9

Contact Barracuda Brackets LLC at 518-326-1354;