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Euclid DURAL ICC GEL ICC-ES Approved Adhesive AnchorAnchors

Euclid DURAL ICC GEL ICC-ES Approved Adhesive Anchor

The Euclid Chemical Company has launched a new adhesive anchoring solution, DURAL ICC GEL, which delivers market-leading temperature and creep resistance properties.

A robust and reliable adhesive anchor is vital to the construction industry, as among other things it ensures that threaded rods and rebar are firmly attached to the concrete and that concrete will bond effectively to concrete.

Specifiers, contractors and developers can rest assured that DURAL ICC GEL will provide the strength and bonding necessary, as it has been widely tested and been found to consistently perform. The standards to which DURAL ICC GEL has been analysed and approved include the International Code Council (ICC-ES Report 4255), NSF/ANSI Standard 61, as well as many state DOTs.

DURAL ICC GEL is one of the most highly engineered and extensively tested two-component, hybrid adhesive anchors available. This makes it an ideal choice for large-scale construction and infrastructure projects for a variety of reasons.

The creep resistance of DURAL ICC GEL is one of its key attributes. Creep is the tendency of a solid material to move slowly or deform under the influence of heat or applied loads. However, DURAL ICC GEL will avoid creep effects even when subjected to heavy loads and sustained temperatures of up to 180°F – far exceeding the majority of today’s adhesives.

When the minimum installation temperature and the maximum short term loading temperatures are taken into account, DURAL ICC GEL has the widest approved use range of any adhesive anchoring solution on the market. It will maintain its anchoring abilities at both ends of the temperature range much better than alternative materials, with a range that goes as low as 5°F and as high as to 302°F.

This temperature resistance not only makes DURAL ICC GEL very robust but it provides the contractor with much-needed versatility when working onsite, as only one product needs to be stocked to cover the whole range of application temperatures and there is no risk of using the wrong product at the wrong temperature.

This versatility is exemplified by the fact that DURAL ICC GEL will consistently perform, even in extreme work conditions such as dry, wet and water filled concrete or when being applied into drilled holes that are underwater. This combination of resistance and application properties ensures rapid bolt-up times and high productivity all year-round regardless of onsite circumstances.

The curing time of an adhesive anchoring system is a vitally important factor, as no load should be placed on the concrete or bolt in question until it has finished curing. With a curing time of only 45 minutes, DURAL ICC GEL allows the project to quickly move on to the next stage instead of having to wait around for the adhesive to be ready.

The Euclid Chemical Company’s new product can be used across all areas of a building, including vertical down, horizontal, upwardly inclined and overhead installations. The ability of DURAL ICC GEL to resist static, wind and earthquake loading from both tension and shear loads means that it will be up to the task at hand, even in the most demanding of environments.

Click here to find out more about DURAL ICC GEL