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Flexovit O.T.G. Abrasive Wheels for Cordless ToolsAbrasives

Flexovit O.T.G. Abrasive Wheels for Cordless Tools

Flexovit USA, Inc. has introduced O.T.G. – OFF THE GRID abrasive wheels designed specifically for cordless power tools.

The new OFF THE GRID line includes O.T.G. depressed center grinding wheels, RAZORBLADE O.T.G. depressed center cutoff wheels, and O.T.G. flap discs.

O.T.G. – OFF THE GRID abrasive products extend cordless tool runtime by 30% to 80% before requiring a recharge, compared to conventional abrasive wheels.

The patent pending formulation and design delivers high metal removal rates comparable to Flexovit’s high productivity grinding and cutting wheels, while optimizing the available power.

O.T.G. – OFF THE GRID products will increase productivity and reduce battery change downtime on all metalworking and fabricating jobs where a cordless angle grinder/sander is the tool of choice.

For more information contact us at 1-800-689-3539 or at