
ISA Industrial Markets Report now available online

The 2010 edition of the ISA Industrial Markets Report is now available online.

The report represents a "snapshot" of the North American industrial economy for 14 product classes. The data used in the report includes the potential market for 14 industrial product classes for the top 100 U.S. counties

ISA members can gain access to the information online by clicking the link below. You must be logged in to to view the report, which is password protected for members only.

In addition, a more detailed database, which includes and expands on the data sets in the online report, is available in Excel format for easy import and analysis. The electronic version of the 2010 Industrial Markets Report, prepared for the Industrial Supply Association, includes data by market size and product class for the top 369 Metropolitan Statistical Areas, as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau as major metropolitan market areas, and the top 400 U.S. counties.

ISA members may purchase the expanded dataset for $295.