
April 2024 News

Malco Tools Announces Second-Annual Building Exterior Trade-Pro of the Year Winners
Five building exterior professionals from across the U.S. honored with national recognition, $1,000 in Malco tools.

ABC: Nonresidential Construction Adds Whopping 24,600 Jobs in March
Year-over-year, industry employment has expanded by 270,000 jobs.

Dirk Beveridge Launches Force for Good Live Virtual Event for Distributors on May 1
Force for Good aims to individuals in distribution and manufacturing.

Trimco Millwork Rebrands as Woodgrain, Joins Woodgrain’s Distribution Division
Woodgrain is one of the leading millwork and building products operations in the world.

James F. Howe Appointed President of Motion Industries
Howe steps from Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial and Technology Officer.

Nick Musel Promoted to Technical Field Manager at Mule-Hide Products Co.
Musel will manage the company’s team of 11 technical field representatives.

Central States Building Works Names Ahmed Abdelaal VP of Engineering and Operations
Central States designs and delivers material-only building packages across the United States for commercial, storage, agricultural, industrial, and other applications.

Bedford Reinforced Plastics Announces OSCO Safety as Exclusive Source for ReadySeries Modular Solutions
OSCO Safety manufactures utility marking, structural shapes and grating, pre-engineered structural products and ladder systems. 

DYCO Launches Refreshed Brand and Website
New brand and website help customers more easily select the right high-performance DYCO coatings.

HD to Acquire SRS Distribution
SRS has 760 branches across 47 states. 

February 2024 U.S. Construction Spending Trends 10.7% Above Same Month Last Year
Residential construction inches up 0.7% for month.  

Survey: U.S. Workers Are Anxious About AI Use in Finance and Operations
Concerns over job losses, fraud and other impacts outweigh enthusiasm. 

Tom Sellars Recognized as a Top Impact CEO
Award recognizes leaders who are driving positive social and environmental change through their companies.

ABC: Construction Job Openings Increased by 16,000 in February
The construction industry had 441,000 job openings on the last day of February.

Frances Ellison Re-Joins Point of Rental as U.S. Software Support Director
Additional moves to increase support expertise.