
Snap-on Launches New Web Site for Industrial Brands

Web site includes Williams, Bahco and CDI Torque Products.

The new web site at offers comprehensive information about tools and equipment from Williams, Bahco and CDI Torque Products – all of which are now part of Snap-on Industrial Brands.

Several features make the website easy to navigate. The five main tabs (Products, Where to Buy, Service & Support, News, About Us), are loaded with information that enables users to find exactly what they need in just a few clicks.

The website has large, color photos of all products, along with description, product code and catalog information to make visits quick and efficient.

Additionally, users can input zip code or state to find their nearest distributor, and can further filter results by distributor type. Helpful manuals, warranty information, instruction videos and other promotional information can also be viewed and downloaded in a matter of seconds.

Earlier this year, Snap-on Industrial reorganized its J.H. Williams Tool Group industrial business unit, and renamed it Snap-on Industrial Brands. The goal is to accelerate the pace of innovation and new product introductions, and strengthen the direct link between distribution channels and Snap-on Incorporated.

The goals for the website were to professionally present the new Snap-on Industrial Brands division identity while maintaining the individual identity of the product brands distributed from the 2011 catalog. The result is an easy to use interface for customers to access product information and detailed specs on more than 7,000 industrial tools, with a summary grid view by category that greatly enhances functionality.

About the brands

Williams Tools: our heritage, your future
Since 1882, Williams has met the harshest challenges of the most demanding industries. Williams was among the first manufacturers in the world to offer mass produced drop-forged tools, a 15 degree angle wrench, and heavy-duty slugging wrenches.

Bahco Tools: work smarter – faster – better
Bahco, inventor of the original adjustable wrench, is the world leader in adjustable wrenches, ergonomics and cutting tools. Bahco applies the science of ergonomics to hand-tool design in a unique 11-step scientific process called ergo®. The result is a line of tools, saws and accessories that are safe, comfortable and offer productive performance.

CDI Torque Products: torque without compromise
CDI Torque Products is the world's largest supplier of industrial quality torque tools, and leader in precision torque, force and tension calibration systems. CDI is ISO 9001 certified and a pioneer in the development of digital torque measuring instruments.

For more information about the new Snap-on Industrial Brands, call 800.446.7404 or visit