
DMT Diamond Stones Clean House in Independent Tests

Wood Magazine substantiates DMT performance and value.

In the latest issue of WOOD Magazine, DMT Diamond Machining Technology is featured in “Sharpening Showdown,” an article detailing shop tests of more than a dozen different manual sharpening products. The results are irrefutable: diamond stones proved the quickest at shaping and honing edges. What’s more, the magazine specifically recommends DMT’s DuoSharp bench stone in the Coarse/ Extra-Fine grit combination as one of two stones all woodworkers should own.

“DMT stones cut at least four times faster than the other media we tested,” the magazine writes. “Two-sided stones provide value. The DuoSharp ($80-$110 each) comes in four combinations of different grits.”

As part of its rigorous testing, WOOD measured the amount of time necessary for 14 different sharpening products in four categories—sandpaper, water stones, ceramic stones and diamond stones—to shape a 25-degree primary bevel on identical plane irons. (WOOD did not include oil stones because they “just aren’t practical” since they are “costly, ineffective and messy.”) The top five finishers in WOOD’s testing were DMT diamond stones, with times ranging from 1 minute, 20 seconds to 4 minutes, 19 seconds. The only other brand of diamond stone tested ranked ninth, with a time of 5 minutes, 2 seconds.

Beyond remarkable speed, DMT’s diamond stones provide the ultimate in value because, according to WOOD, “...diamond stone cuts fast, needs no maintenance other than an occasional rinsing, and can be used to flatten water and ceramic stones.”

“WOOD’s exhaustive, unbiased tests underscore what DMT customers already know, that DMT stones provide a superior sharpening solution because of the quality of the diamonds and the flatness of the stones,” said Mark Brandon, president of DMT.

WOOD Magazine, part of the Better Homes and Gardens family, is the leading woodworking magazine in the country with circulation of half a million readers, more than twice that of its closest competitor. According to its website, “Tool reviews presented in WOOD are the most comprehensive and objective in the business. An impartial, shop-testing process combined with the unbiased opinion of independent, expert woodworkers is at the heart of our tool review recommendations.”

To download a copy of the WOOD article, click here: