STAFDA Sales Consultant Announces Pricing Strategies Program
Joe Ellers launches "How to Sell Price Increases Without Losing the Sale."
Right now in the first quarter of 2012, you may be faced with wanting or needing to increase your prices on some, or all, of your products; whether this price increase is driven by increases in raw material costs, your expenses, or purely profit driven.
Regardless of your reason, need, or justification for the price increases, there are 5 tactics that will help ensure your approach to this process is carried out in a smart and effective manner and virtually guarantee your outside sales professionals and account managers a workable win-win process for raising prices without having to worry about losing the sale or the whole account.
Ask yourself these 3 questions:
- If you raised some or all of your prices and did not lose any business...would that increase your bottom line?
- Could a price increase create some (or a lot) of resistance from your existing customers?
- Are you facing competition from increasingly low-priced competitors?
You probably answered YES to all three. STAFDA Sales Consultant Joe Ellers knows exactly what you are experiencing. He has faced the same thing and so have many of his long-time clients.
This course includes:
1. Core training on "How to Sell Price Increases" (online video & handouts)
2. Membership area access with downloads, action items and more
3. Submit private questions directly to Joe for answers on implementation, customization
4. See public questions and comments from others in the program. Learn and share
5. Live Q & A and training wrap-up session via Teleconference with Joe
6. You Implementation Problems-Solved by Joe
7. Seperate Training for Sales and Sales Management
8. Joe's 25 Biggest Mistakes When Selling Price Increases [Special Report]
**Not only will you get Joe's proven advice and what's working best now, but you'll also get to interact with others in the program, and learn from what's working and not working across various industries.
This is the program distributors need today. To sign up, visit the Web site at