
Qualcomm Comments on Trimble Acquisition

Qualcomm VP Norm Ellis issues statement.

In response to the news of Trimble's acquisition of TMW today, Qualcomm Enterprise Services’ vice president of sales, services and marketing Norm Ellis issued these comments.

“Qualcomm enjoys nearly a 20 year partnership with TMW as we share hundreds of customers together," Ellis said. "We continue to have solid relationships and customer bases with all of the key TMS providers, including TMW, and believe the Trimble acquisition of TMW will not change and that TMW will continue to support the unique, integrated value we have developed through the years of working together — ultimately acting in the best interest of our joint customers. Just as we have always fostered open, unbiased relationships to ensure we’re able to do what’s right for each customer and work with all best-in-class providers, we expect TMW will continue to do the same as they have during our tenured relationship with them."

Qualcomm’s Enterprise Services division sole focus is to meet the needs of for-hire and private fleet operations of all sizes and is why Frost & Sullivan recently recognized us as the best supplier of advanced telematics services this year," Ellis added. "Moving forward, we will continue to demonstrate our commitment and growth to customers, sharing timely developments as appropriate.”

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