Construction Robots Attack!
OK, not yet anyway, but the story is cool.
Robot Construction Workers Take Their Cues From Termites
Termites can build huge, elaborate mounds that rise up from the ground like insect skyscrapers; scientists have now created little robots that act like termites to build a made-to-order structure.
"Termites are the real masters of construction in the insect world," says of the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University. "The largest termite mound on record was 42 feet tall."
Termites by the millions to build their intricate, large-scale structures — doing stuff like pushing bits of mud around. And yet they're not following a blueprint or listening to orders from some termite foreman. Instead, they seem to sense what's around them and apply some simple rules to decide what to do next.
Werfel and his colleagues wanted to see if robots could build in the same way.
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