Leland Acquires Canadian Threadall Limited
Canadian Threadall produces wire forming products, anchors and threaded rod products for mining, construction and OEM.
Synergy: a Greek word that loosely translates as “working together.” What better way to describe the benefit derived from the acquisition by “Leland Industries” of “Canadian Threadall Limited”? Leland, a producer of Bolts, Nuts and Screws from #6 Tapping Screws to 3/4" x 6" Bolts, initiated manufacture of A325/A490 Structural products in 2014. New opportunities opened up immediately and with “Canadian Threadall” as a division, the company is uniquely positioned as a full service custom threader.
Canadian Threadall enjoyed a reputation as a dependable supplier of wire forming to 4-1/2" diameter, cut or rolled thread, bending from #6 wire to 4" U-Bolts, Anchor Bolts, Threaded Rod, to forging and special parts and assemblies for mining, construction and OEM.
In addition, machining many types of parts for industrial processes and production equipment became available to Leland’s customers. In return, many items in Leland’s catalogue were now available to Canadian Threadall, thereby eliminating the need to purchase imported products. Nuts, in Finished Hex, Serrated Flange, Heavy Hex, Structural, and Machine Screws and large diameter bolts – these are only a few of the items incorporated into Canadian Threadall’s products.
Leland Industries is accredited to ISO/IEC-17025 certificate number 1053-01 in the field of mechanical testing. Canadian Threadall is approved under ISO 9001-2000. Both are reputable companies producing reliable products from Carbon Steel plated with Leland’s exclusive JS1000, providing 1,000 hours of protection in salt spray testing with no red rust. Or JS600 plating, applied to stainless threaded fasteners. JS600 eliminates galling during assembly.
Leland Industries has seven branch sales offices and warehouses strategically located in the USA and Canada. The acquisition brought Canadian Threadall a ready made sales force and access to new customers. Canadian Threadall brings opportunity to Leland Industries, in the form of Construction and OEM customers that previously sent business to other vendors. Now, for many companies it is “one stop shopping.”
Learn more at www.lelandindustries.com