ET&F Names Martins Western RSM
Gary Martins will be based in Sacramento.
ET&F Fastening Systems, Inc, Solon, Ohio, has appointed Gary Martins its new Regional Sales Manager for the Western United States. He brings to ET&F over 15 years of experience in construction product sales through distribution. Gary will be based in Sacramento, CA.
Since 1982, ET&F has been developing, manufacturing and distributing specialty tools and hardened steel pin fasteners for the construction industry. These innovative systems allow split-second fastening to steel and concrete substrates without the need for predrilled holes or time consuming screwing techniques.
All our pins are made from high carbon, heat treated steel and are made with a ballistic point for penetration into the hardest substrates. Unique, built-in overdrive control on all ET&F tools allow even the softest of materials to be fastened without unwanted overdriving of the fasteners.
ET&F offers the contractor the complete fastening solution. Our products have major building code and building component manufacturer approval. We offer engineering assistance, jobsite demonstrations, product training, and a national distribution network for our products.
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