
Snap-on Industrial issues 2015 critical industries catalog

800-page catalog covers all Snap-on Industrial tools and equipment.

Technicians working in critical industries now have a comprehensive, one-stop resource for all their tooling and equipment needs – the new easy-to-use 2015 Snap-on Industrial catalog (1300i).

This 800+ page catalog includes performance and specifications on all Snap-on Industrial tools and equipment for its major product categories, including: tool control, aviation tools, power tools, specialty tools, Tools@Height and safety tools, tools storage, fleet maintenance, and of course, hand tools.

Other features of the new 2015 Snap-on Industrial catalog include:

  • Information on more than 25,000 products
  • 30 easy-to-access sections, color-coded by product category
  • Thousands of new SKUs and callouts to new and expanded products and programs, including the unique Tools@Height tethered tool program
  • Large color photos of thousands of tools with information on product code, sizes, descriptions etc.
  • Explanation on torque principles and why torque is important, as well as convenient charts and information on torque
  • Alphabetical tool index to pinpoint exact page number for specific products

For more information about the new Snap-on Industrial catalog, or to receive your free copy, call 877.740.1900; email; or visit: