
SAIA Announces 2015 ASC A92 Annual Meeting

Aerial Platforms Annual Meeting is set for October 25 -28, 2015 in Las Vegas.

The Scaffold & Access Industry Association announces the 2015 ASC A92 Aerial Platforms Annual Meeting will be held in Las Vegas, NV at the Harrah's Casino Hotel October 25 -28, 2015.

The meeting is open to the public that have interest in the standards activities that establish consensus rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results in the aerial platforms industry. Consensus (industry) standards are voluntarily used by manufactures, dealers, owners, users and operators of aerial platforms.

The purpose of the standards is the prevention of accidents and injuries, as well as, establishing criteria for the manufacturers. The standards also aid the manufacturers, dealers, owners, users and operators of the platforms to understand their various responsibilities.

The A92 consensus body was created to develop safety guidelines for the design, construction, testing, maintenance, inspection, training, use and operation of elevating and rotating aerial devices, work platforms and vertical devices primarily used to position personnel.

Please visit to answer any questions you may have, download the agenda and register for the meeting.