Hyde Industrial Blade Solutions goes solar
Hyde Tools subsidiary ads 338 kW solar system to plant.
Throughout its history, Hyde Industrial Blade Solutions (IBS) has used leading edge technologies to ensure its products offer the best quality, produced in the most effective manner.
During this, its 140th anniversary year, Hyde continues to lead the way by looking to advanced technologies to help run its operations more efficiently today and into the future.
Hyde has installed a solar array on the roof over its shipping and warehouse buildings to generate electricity that will help run its office and plant facilities and equipment. Comprised of more than 850 panels utilizing “smart reflector” technology, the company estimates that the 338 kW system will generate between 15-20% of its electric consumption.
“There are distinct benefits to our operation, and, ultimately, down the line for our customers. This will assist us in remaining competitive in all facets of our business well into the future.” said Rob Scoble, President, Hyde IBS. “There is also the greater-good benefit of reducing our carbon footprint as a responsible corporate citizen.”
Hyde IBS has grown from the days of founder Isaac Hyde distributing leather and shoe knives locally in Massachusetts to selling its products worldwide to many of the globe’s leading manufacturers and processors. This expansion has been supported in the last two years alone with an investment of nearly $2 million in new blade manufacturing and finishing equipment, high-definition quality control measurement systems and new computer systems.
Hyde Tools, Inc., another division of the parent company, rose from this background in industrial cutting to become the largest manufacturer of hand knives and tools for remodeling, restoration, building trades and do-it-yourselfers in North America today.
For more information on Hyde IBS, contact us at 54 Eastford Road, Southbridge, MA 01550. Phone: 800-872-4933. Or visit the website at www.hydeblades.com.