Posted December 21, 2015

DAP appoints new Construction Specialists

Mike Cozzone and Steve Padgett will serve Central Texas and Mid-Atlantic markets.

DAP Products Inc., has appointed two new Construction Specialists. Mike Cozzone and Steve Padgett, will serve two of the hottest building markets in the country: Central Texas and the Mid-Atlantic.

“DAP manufactures several products that are highly beneficial to framers and other trades, but they don’t get the opportunity to check these products out at the lumberyard, or they’re too busy building to spend a lot of time online doing research,” reports Kent Barnes, National Sales Manager for DAP. “These guys don’t always have time to come to the product, so we decided to take the product to them where they spend the most time: the jobsite.”

Originally a home remodeler in Detroit, Michigan, Steve Padgett has spent 30 years in the sealant and adhesive industry as a product and application expert. Mike Cozzone, a former U.S. Marine, has specialized in a variety of construction trades areas including fasteners, air tools and adhesives. Both specialists have extensive experience in the professional construction and adhesive industries as well as on the job site and share a focus on helping the tradesman get the job done.

Cozzone and Padgett will focus on reaching out to framers, primarily, with innovative new adhesive products that allow them to work smarter and safer while getting the job done faster.

“We can show a crew how to lay a floor 25 percent faster using DAP Smartbond Subfloor Adhesive, an innovative polyurethane foam adhesive that allows a framer to install 12 sheets of decking with a single can without bending over or working off-balance, noted Barnes. “This doesn’t just save time; it saves their backs, too. That’s faster, smarter, and safer.”

Other focus products include fenestration and siding sealants as well as drywall adhesives. The DAP system can cover it all and leave both the framer and contractor confident of a job well done.

Mike Cozzone, Central Texas market, can be reached at In the Mid-Atlantic, reach Steve Padgett at Send either one an email and schedule a time for them to show your crew how DAP products can save them time and energy and save you money.

DAP manufactures reliable, long-lasting products for contractors and DIYers. Headquartered in Baltimore, MD, DAP is a leading manufacturer of caulks, sealants, adhesives, insulating foam, spackling, glazing and other general patch and repair products. For more information about DAP products and applications, visit the website at