Posted June 1, 2016

APA offers free webinar on residential I-joist fire protective assemblies  

Program describes options that meet IRC provisions for fire protective membranes.

New options for meeting the International Residential Code requirements for fire-protective assemblies will be presented in a free webinar program from APA-The Engineered Wood Association on June 10, 2016, at 8 a.m. PDT (9 a.m. MDT/10 a.m. CDT/11 a.m. EDT).

Both the 2012 and 2015 versions of the International Residential Code (IRC) include fire protective membrane requirements to enhance the fire performance of lightweight floor systems. 

This free APA webinar will focus on newly developed assemblies for meeting the fire protective membrane requirements of the code, specifically as they relate to I-joist floor systems. The webinar will review the options in the IRC and describe the following assemblies:

  • Drop-in gypsum board (supported on top of bottom flanges)
  • Partial sprinkler systems
  • Fire protective coatings 

Resources and reference information from APA and others will also be provided.

Sales and technical support personnel at I-joist distributors and dealers, building designers, builders and code officials are strongly encouraged to attend.

Register for this free webinar at