Reilly announces value-added selling seminar
STAFDA's sales consultant to host seminar June 20 - 21, 2017.
Consider the following statistics from a recent Reilly Sales Training study…
- Only 39% of salespeople believe their solution is meaningfully different;
- Only 44% of salespeople clearly understand their company’s value proposition; and
- 75% of salespeople discount when given a price objection.
It’s no wonder that Selling Power magazine found that selling value is one of the greatest challenges salespeople face. Salespeople can’t sell value until they have been trained to sell value.
Paul Reilly, president of Reilly Sales Training and STAFDA's designated sales consultant, will host a two-day intensive training program for distributor sales professsionals on June 20 and 21.
When you embrace this message and apply these techniques, you will compete more profitably based on the total value of your solution, not price. Here are the topics covered in this two-day training event.
- Introduction to Value-Added Selling
- What buyers really want from sellers
- Customer messaging (how to communicate your value persuasively)
- Identifying your value-added
- Constructing your Value-in-Purchasing List
- Creating your Value Proposition
- Identifying your Unique Selling Proposition
- The Value-Added Sales Process®
- The Critical Buying Path®
- Value-added offensive selling strategies (how to acquire new business)
- Value-added defensive selling strategies (how to retain and grow existing business)
- Pre-call planning
- The Value-Added Sales Call
- Post-call activities
- Role play (practice with feedback)
Click here for a complete agenda and to register.
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