Posted December 15, 2017

Holiday joy for young cousin suffering from leukemia

Next Wave Automation founder builds “Fight Like an Angel Arcade” and raises awareness.

Next Wave Automation’s founder and CEO, Tim Owens, wanted to do something extra special for his cousin Angel, a young girl suffering from leukemia. Not only were the holidays fast approaching, but so was her 12th birthday.

Being an inventor and entrepreneur, he put his talent – and his company’s resources to work – and created a custom, tabletop, Raspberry Pi-based arcade and cabinet. Because Angel is often hospitalized in isolation due to her luekemia-compromised immunity, boredom is frequently as hard for her to deal with as the medical treatments. Tim wanted to change that so he went to work and created “Fight Like an Angel Arcade.”

“I thought it would be fun for her to have something a little different to play on rather than her phone.,” says Tim Owens, founder and CEO. “And, at the same time, I thought that it would be a great way for us to bring awareness to the GoFundMe set up by Angel’s grandparents, who are raising her, to help with medical expenses.”

“Seeing anyone you love struggle with a serious, life-threatening illness is tremendously difficult,’ says Owens. “By creating and building the Fight Like an Angel Arcade, I was able to actually do something tangible for Angel.”

As part of his willingness to help Angel – and others who find that building or making something not only helps the intended recipient but they themselves – Owens has made the plans and building process available at no charge. Download plans, more details, and complete instructions for “Fight Like an Angle Arcade” here.

For more information about Next Wave Automation, go to or call 419 318-4882.