Case Studies: DensElement eases space crunch in $36 million apartment building
Burlington, Vermont student apertment project had zero room for error, or even to move for that matter.
Building a $36 million apartment complex to house 300 college students on a tight schedule is a tall order at the best of times. Toss in 600 exterior windows and an utter lack of space to move or set up equipment, and you’ve got a complicated construction project that demands a novel solution.
Located at a busy intersection in the middle of downtown Burlington, Vermont, the Eagle’s Landing Apartments are also surrounded by telephone poles, power lines, and other buildings, creating major space constraints.
Seeking a newer, better way to tackle the project, the team at Optimum Building Systems & Management turned to the DensElement Barrier System. The result was a simplified installation process that managed to save the contractor’s time and the owners’ money.
DensElement Barrier System makes sheathing installation faster and easier.
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