Posted September 11, 2019

Mortar Net Solutions presents scholarships to masonry students

Awards scholarships to four students at NMIA annual conference.

Mortar Net Solutions presented scholarships to benefit four masonry students at the National Masonry Instructors Association’s (NMIA) Annual Conference in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. This year’s conference marked the 30th Anniversary for the organization. The following students were awarded scholarships by Mortar Net Solutions:

  • Sean Hicks, Center of Applied Technology North, Severn, Maryland
  • Jan Pelaez-Garcia, John F. Kennedy High School, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
  • Joseph Presley, Carvers Bay High School, Hemingway, South Carolina
  • Michael Vaughn-Sims, Wallace Community College, Salem, Alabama

Mortar Net Solutions worked with masonry instructors across the country, as well as the NMIA, to select which students would benefit the most from the scholarship. The scholarships were presented to the students’ instructors by Mortar Net Solutions’ Steven Fechino. In addition to the scholarships, the recipients each received tool bags to help them as they work through their education and apprenticeships.

“I am proud to help these students discover the tradition of working in masonry and to work with the NMIA,” said Steven Fechino, Engineering and Construction Manager at Mortar Net Solutions. “I greatly support the work they’ve done for this industry over the past 30 years. We hope to provide more scholarships in the near future as a means to allow students a chance at an opportunity to learn the craft.”

The National Masonry Instructors Association’s mission is to develop collaborative partnerships with the education community, business and industry to create awareness of the professionalism of the masonry occupation by promoting quality masonry programs and keeping members informed of innovative trends and changing technology.

Mortar Net Solutions develops, distributes and supports innovative moisture management solutions for masonry construction. It was founded in 1992 with the invention of its flagship product, MortarNet, a mortar dropping collection device developed to prevent water damage to masonry cavity walls. Other proprietary solutions for masonry construction include TotalFlash, BlockFlash, BlockNet, HouseNet, CompleteFlash, WallNet, WeepVent, CellVent, LathNet and DriPlane.

Mortar Net Solutions is a partner in CavityComplete Wall Systems, the only tested, code-compliant and warrantied wall systems for masonry cavity walls using completely compatible components. For more information, visit