Posted October 30, 2019

STAFDA's online marketing consultant offers free consultations in Nashville

Book your time now with Bob DeStefano.

Bob DeStefano is STAFDA’s online marketing consultant and a member of the University of Innovative Distribution faculty

As STAFDA's endorsed online marketing consultant, Bob DeStefano invites STAFDA members to meet with him for a complimentary online marketing consultation at the STAFDA convention in Nashville.

We will discuss proven strategies to turn your website into a lead and sales generation machine, as well as answer your toughest marketing questions.

Schedule your time With Bob on his calendar at the following address:

He looks forward to seeing you in Nashville!

Not going to STAFDA this year?

You can still schedule a complimentary consultation with Bob via a web conference.

Schedule your virtual online marketing consultation at the following address:

Bob DeStefano is STAFDA’s online marketing consultant and a member of the University of Innovative Distribution faculty with more than 25 years’ experience helping distributors and manufacturers grow their leads, sales and profits online. Bob is the author of ‘Old Dog, New Clicks: Online Industrial and B2B Marketing Know-How for the 21st Century’ available for sales at and Contact Bob at or call (877) 786-3249 x234.