Posted April 20, 2020

IAPMO publishes COVID-19 Industry Resources

Roundup of includes federal, state and technical resources.  

IAPMO is committed to safety; as we protect the health of the nation through plumbing, we also act to protect our members and employees. This website contains links to important documents directly supporting the plumbing and mechanical industry.

On March 19, President Trump and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a Coronavirus Guidance for America identifying plumbers and other tradespeople as “essential critical infrastructure workers” as our nation responds to the threat of COVID-19.

“Our industry has known for many decades that its contribution to society is essential to global health,” said IAPMO CEO GP Russ Chaney. “This new guidance, to state and local officials from the White House, validates that our industry is vital to the United States. Our highly skilled plumbers have been deemed essential to the nation’s ability to function and recognized as people on whom we can all depend in normal times or a global crisis.”

Click here to access the listing.
