Posted April 20, 2020

Simpson Strong-Tie sponsors virtual Building Safety Month in May

This year's 40th annual Building Safety Month programs will be presented online. 

Simpson Strong-Tie, the leader in engineered structural connectors and building solutions, is again joining other industry associations and organizations in supporting the International Code Council (ICC) 40th annual Building Safety Month in May. This year, Building Safety Month will take place virtually, with resources including formal proclamations, webinars, merchandise and more, on

As a Week 3 Theme Co-Sponsor, Simpson Strong-Tie is encouraging the industry and the general public to learn more about the roles that resiliency, sustainability and innovation play in making buildings safer and stronger.

Building Safety Month is a public awareness campaign held every May to help individuals, families and businesses understand what it takes to create safe, sustainable homes and buildings. The focus in 2020 is “Safer Buildings, Safer Communities, Safer World.”

The five-week campaign spotlights a specific area of building safety through weekly topics that include Disaster Preparedness; Water Safety; Resiliency, Sustainability, Innovation; and Training the Next Generation. According to the ICC, the educational campaign is designed to showcase that updated building codes not only provide a strong and resilient built environment, but can also ensure communities are protected during disasters.

“Our company mission of helping people design and build safer, stronger structures aligns well with what Building Safety Month is all about. We are proud to partner with ICC on this initiative again, which brings awareness about the importance of building codes and safety,” said Karen Colonias, president and CEO of Simpson Strong-Tie.

Simpson Strong-Tie has several resources to support the initiatives of Building Safety Month, including educational materials on designing and constructing homes and buildings to resist earthquakes and high winds as well as on building and retrofitting code-compliant wood decks. These resources can be found on the Simpson Strong-Tie Building Strong blog and Strong-Tie DIY™ microsite.