Posted April 23, 2020

Weekly Pandemic Revenue Index declines 6.9 percent

Index for the work week of April 13-17 indicated a 6.9 percent decline compared with the same week a year ago.

Indian River Consulting Group’s (IRCG) weekly Pandemic Revenue Index for the work week of April 13-17 indicated a 6.9 percent decline compared with the same week a year ago.

IRCG’s distributor Pandemic Revenue Index (PRI) gives distributors a weekly quantified view into how other distributors in the industry are faring with respect to revenue declines as the global COVID-19 pandemic progresses.

Although the sales decline is much lower than previous weeks it is likely that this is not a reflection of significantly improving business conditions. One of the firms in the sample shipped a very large project that had a big impact on the overall index. When this firm is excluded, the remaining firms showed an average decline of 18.9 percent.

“It will be interesting to see if the index trends upward as the governors of some states have indicated that they will begin easing stay-at-home restrictions and allowing additional businesses to reopen,” said Mike Emerson, IRCG Partner.

Find resources for distributors on responding to the pandemic, including a cash flow modeling spreadsheet and instructional webinar, and a cost-reduction planning webinar, at IRCG’s website:

The PRI is being placed in the public domain to maximize impact. The distributors in Indian River Consulting Group’s sample group have agreed to share data until the crisis passes. If you’d like to participate in the PRI, please reach out to Emerson at