Posted May 4, 2020

STAFDA announces two webinars, both on May 7

Lessons from Katrina: Help for Engaging Your Team, Customers, & Markets during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Returning Employees to Work After COVID-19.

Webinar 1: Lessons from Katrina: Help for Engaging Your Team, Customers, & Markets during the COVID-19 Pandemic

May 7, 2020
11:00 a.m. - Noon (Eastern)
Presented by Dr. Jeanne Hurlbert, Catherine Tito, and James Tito
Register now!
To help members navigate this challenging time, STAFDA is bringing together Dr. Jeanne Hurlbert (STAFDA’s Customer Service Consultant, President of Hurlbert Consulting, and Chief Data Officer for Smart Counseling) with James Tito and Catherine Tito, co-founders of, which offers tele-mental health counseling services helping clients reduce anxiety, stress, and depression. They’ll offer insights on successfully leading employees through the COVID-19 pandemic, serving and engaging customers, and ensuring your company emerges strong on the other side.

Jeanne, James, and Catherine bring unique expertise and experience members can put to work right now: They conducted National Science Foundation-funded research on how social support reduced the effects stress exerts on health during Hurricanes Andrew, Georges, and Katrina — making Jeanne one of the only experts on the role social networks and social support play in “black swan events.”

Catherine Tito MA LPC, is a licensed professional counselor, board certified tele-mental health specialist, and clinical director at She and James Tito founded to provide convenient, affordable access to counseling services online.

Topics include:
  • Key symptoms of depression — and why you need to watch out for them in yourself and your team
  • Tips to help your team remain safe and healthy
  • Positive and negative ways to cope with the stress of COVID-19
  • Helping employees navigate the challenges of working at home
  • Why you should expect long-term effects of this event on your team
  • Tips to help employees reduce anxiety
  • Suggestions for keeping customers engaged
This will be a 60-minute session: 45 minutes will be a fast-paced, content-rich module followed by a 15-minute Q & A.

Webinar 2: Returning Employees to Work After COVID-19

May 7, 2020
12:30 - 1:30 p.m. (Eastern)
Register now!
As the world sets its sights on efforts to recover from the COVID-19 epidemic and reopen the economy, a critical element will be reopening businesses and putting employees back to work. This webinar will cover best practices and some of the most significant problem areas for small businesses to be aware of as they plan to bring employees back into the workplace.

The webinar will be presented by the SBLC’s Strategic Policy Director, Jessica Summers, Esq., who is also a Principal in the Employment Law Group at the Law Firm of Paley Rothman in Bethesda, MD.

As a member of SBLC, STAFDA is offering this webinar to members at no charge. Many of SBLC's updates also are posted to the members-only section of STAFDA’s website, We encourage your participation in this important webinar!

Questions? Please feel free to contact us at or call 262/784-4774.