Posted June 5, 2020

ECP Push Pier systems secure ICC-ES ESR-4471

Kansas company first to receive ESR under new criteria for push pier systems.

ECP recently received ESR-4471 from the International Code Council Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) providing evidence that the PPB-300 and PPB-350 push pier systems comply with the 2018 and 2015 International Building Codes (IBC).

ECP is the first manufacturer to receive an Evaluation Services Report (ESR) under the new acceptance criteria for push pier foundation systems, AC-517. Also included in the ESR is ESR-4471 LABC Supplement. This states that the push pier systems comply with the 2020 Los Angeles Building Code.

ICC-ES thoroughly examined ECP's product information, test reports, calculations, quality control methods and other factors to ensure the products are code-compliant.

"ECP is proud to offer the highest-quality American made push pier systems in the industry. It is with great pride that we announce the publication of ESR-4471," said Brandon Walter, Director of Business Development at ECP.

This new ESR is in addition to ESR-3559 that ECP already holds for their helical pier systems.

For more information on ECP's ICC approved products, please visit or call 866-327-0007.

ECP (Earth Contact Products, L.L.C.) is a family-owned foundation repair manufacturer based in Olathe, Kansas. The company was built upon ECP's steel piering system, which has led to the development of other foundation repair, anchoring, waterproofing, and underpinning products. Today, ECP is a leading foundation repair product manufacturer, featuring a complete product line of steel piers, helical torque anchors, plate anchors, soil nails and micropile brackets, all Made in America. ECP provides the best solutions to residential, commercial or industrial foundation problems.