Posted June 8, 2020

Rockford Systems adopts digital delivery for machine safeguarding seminars

Three coming seminars will be presented on Zoom.

Because of the COVID-19 crisis, Rockford Systems has moved its Machine Safeguarding Seminar to a new digital format to deliver an safe and informative online experience for customers that attend the event.

"We understand that people are anxious about travel and their ability to maintain social distancing during this difficult period and we've have adapted our training to better meet the needs of customers," said Carrie Halle, Vice President of Marketing and Business Development for Rockford Systems. "The online version of the Machine Safeguarding Seminar will provide the same comprehensive material as before in an exciting digital format that replicate the in-person experience, using innovative technologies and approaches."

For more than 45 years, the Rockford Systems Machine Safeguarding Seminar has been considered the gold standard for the industry, teaching generations of management how to safeguard machines at the point of operation to prevent injuries and meet recognized safety standards such as OSHA and ANSI. The same well-qualified instructors who taught the live seminars will be teaching the online program, leveraging their many years in the machine safety industry working with plant engineers, safety directors, and plant managers.

The new remote learning program will be broadcast on Zoom, giving attendees the opportunity to ask questions and witness hands-on demonstrations of working machines. The program has been broken down into five two-hour classes, scheduled one per day for a week. This modified format allows professionals to learn advanced concepts in machine safeguarding in convenient, easy to understand segments.

Online Machine Safeguarding Seminars are scheduled for these dates:

  • July 20-24, 2020
  • August 17-21, 2020
  • September 21-25, 2020

Each Machine Safeguarding Seminar class runs from 9:00 am to 11:00 am CT daily with one 10-min break at 10:00 am. Participants that miss a class or wish to review a lesson can watch the recording for up to 30 days. Certificate will be provided via email upon successful completion of the course. While the online price of $995 will remain the same as the live seminar, companies will save money because they will avoid travel and hotel expenses.

Depending on circumstances, Rockford Systems may resume in-person seminars at its headquarters in October and November.

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