Posted July 2, 2020

WEATHER GUARD celebrates everyday heroes with new digital campaign

Campaign during July and August encourages people to recognize their favorite  professional contractors or tradesmen.

WHAT: WEATHER GUARD, an industry leader in truck and van equipment, has launched a new digital campaign focused on professional heroes – those hardworking men and women who use WEATHER GUARD products to tackle their demanding, yet rewarding, jobs.

From contractors to plumbers and builders, these professionals give their all each and every day, from sunup to sundown. The WEATHER GUARD Hero campaign spotlights individuals who go above and beyond what is expected at work, at home and in their communities. As part of the campaign, WEATHER GUARD created a video celebrating these hardworking professionals:

WHY: During these challenging times we are in need of heroes, which is why WEATHER GUARD is recognizing the important role everyday heroes play in our lives. “We wanted to create a platform honoring everyday professional heroes,” said Stacy Gardella, vice president of brand marketing at WernerCo. “These special individuals might be your co-worker, brother, sister, father or husband, and we want to highlight them for always going the extra mile at home, at work and in their communities.”

WHO: The WEATHER GUARD Hero campaign encourages people to nominate professional contractors or tradesmen during the months of July and August. From heroic efforts on the job to helping friends and family in need, WEATHER GUARD is celebrating and recognizing these hardworking professionals across social media and on their website. For more information, please visit:

WHEN: From July 1 – August 31, 2020, WEATHER GUARD is accepting nominations for professionals who are making a difference in the community they serve.

WHERE: WEATHER GUARD Hero nominations can be submitted on Facebook and Instagram using the tag #WEATHERGUARDhero. Nominated heroes may be featured on the WEATHER GUARD website and social media channels, as well as have a chance to receive a limited-edition WEATHER GUARD hat.