IRCG Weekly Pandemic Revenue Index shows 5.5 percent decrease
Government action in the next few weeks could have a major impact on economic trends.
Indian River Consulting Group’s (IRCG) weekly Pandemic Revenue Index for the work week of June 13-17, 2020, indicated a 5.5% decrease compared with the same week a year ago. IRCG’s distributor Pandemic Revenue Index gives distributors a weekly quantified view into how other distributors in the industry are faring as the global COVID-19 pandemic progresses.
“The plateauing trend with mid-single-digit declines continues, at least for now,” said Mike Emerson, IRCG Partner. “It will be interesting to see how things play out over the next few weeks. Unless legislation is passed, the federal stimulus that has been supporting the economy to some degree will have fundamentally tapered off while the effects of the pandemic on society at large do not seem to be improving in many parts of the country.”
Find free resources for distributors on responding to the pandemic, including a cash flow modeling spreadsheet and instructional webinar, and a cost-reduction planning webinar, at IRCG’s website:
The PRI is being placed in the public domain to maximize impact. The distributors in Indian River Consulting Group’s sample group have agreed to share data until the crisis passes. If you’d like to participate in the PRI, please reach out to Emerson at
Indian River Consulting Group (IRCG) is a business advisory services firm and a longstanding and recognized leader in the distribution market. Founded in 1987, IRCG specializes in helping distributors and manufacturers accurately diagnose problems and identify risk-bound alternatives so they can take their next steps with confidence. Learn more at
For questions about the Pandemic Revenue Index, the cash flow modeling spreadsheet or stress-testing a business, please reach out to Mike Emerson at