IRCG Weekly Pandemic Revenue Index shows 1.4% increase
Half of index participants saw a sales gain last week.
Indian River Consulting Group’s (IRCG) weekly Pandemic Revenue Index for the work week of July 27-July 31, 2020, indicated a 1.4% increase compared with the same week a year ago. IRCG’s distributor Pandemic Revenue Index gives distributors a weekly quantified view into how other distributors in the industry are faring as the global COVID-19 pandemic progresses.
If the week that included July 4 is excluded because it included an extra business day, this is the largest increase the index has shown since the week of March 9, which is the week immediately preceding the pandemic-induced downturn.
Half of the index participants saw a sales gain last week topping out at 17%, with the largest decrease reported at 12%.
“As much as last week was a sight for sore eyes, it’s going to take a series of weeks before we can start to draw any conclusions considering all the conflicting data we are seeing elsewhere,” said Mike Emerson, IRCG Partner.
Find free resources for distributors on responding to the pandemic, including a cash flow modeling spreadsheet and instructional webinar, and a cost-reduction planning webinar, at IRCG’s website:
The PRI is being placed in the public domain to maximize impact. The distributors in Indian River Consulting Group’s sample group have agreed to share data until the crisis passes. If you’d like to participate in the PRI, please reach out to Emerson at