STAFDA Sales PRO to be updated in 2021
New edition will address virtual selling, creating personal value, customer messaging and more.
In 2005, the Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association (STAFDA) had its sales consultant, Tom Reilly, research and write an outside sales training manual for members called Sales PRO. He presented an overview of the book during the General Session at STAFDA’s 2006 Las Vegas Convention & Trade Show.
Sales PRO mailed to every member after the Las Vegas meeting and Reilly conducted a series of Sales PRO workshops across the country. To date, 2,935 copies of Sales PRO have been sold in addition to the complimentary copy each member received in 2006.
Fast forward to 2020: Tom Reilly retired and his son, Paul (at right), took over his sales training business several years ago. Paul is now STAFDA’s sales consultant and wrote Inside Sales & Service Pro for the Association in 2016. However, outside sales has radically changed since 2006, thanks to technology; and, this change only accelerated in 2020 with the COVID-19 pandemic taking nearly every business aspect virtual.
STAFDA’s Board of Directors recently approved Paul Reilly revising Sales PRO to bring it current with today’s business climate. The updated edition will include new research and techniques to help today’s sales professionals sell more effectively and profitably. The research portion of the project will include a survey and virtual interviews with STAFDA members.
Selling is an evolving, dynamic process and the new edition will include content to address the ever-changing outside sales environment. This includes virtual selling, creating personal value, and customer messaging among other topics.
The updated Sales PRO will be paired with a series of virtual webinars. These webinars will familiarize members with the new research and content, and coincide with the launch of the revised manual. STAFDA expects to release the new Sales PRO and debut the webinar series in late spring or summer of 2021.
For more information on educational opportunities or membership, please contact Catherine Usher,, 262/784-4774 or 800/352-2981.
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