Posted December 18, 2020

IRCG Weekly Pandemic Revenue Index shows 2.9% increase

Softer weekly gain follows strong November numbers. 

Indian River Consulting Group’s (IRCG) weekly Pandemic Revenue Index for the work week of Dec. 7-Dec. 11, 2020, indicated a 2.9% increase compared with the same week a year ago.

IRCG’s distributor Pandemic Revenue Index gives distributors a weekly quantified view into how other distributors in the industry are faring as the global COVID-19 pandemic progresses.

“After a strong end to November, December’s index is back down to where it’s hovered for most of the fall. Of the 14 respondents, eight reported increases ranging from 2% to 22%. Of the six companies reporting declines, the range was 3% to 25%,” said Mike Emerson, IRCG Partner.

Find free resources for distributors on responding to the pandemic, including a cash flow modeling spreadsheet and instructional webinar, and a cost-reduction planning webinar, at IRCG’s website: