Posted May 27, 2021

Distribution One celebrates 25 years of distribution ERP software success

Founded in 1996, Distribution One celebrates 25 years of ERP distribution software.

Distribution One proudly announces its 25th anniversary as a leading developer of innovative, full-system distribution ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software. Since its founding in 1996, Distribution One has been shepherded by the unwavering vision and drive of co-founders Larry Ward, President, and Dean Christianson, CEO.

“25 years is an incredible milestone for us,” shares Larry Ward. “Since inception, we have never deviated from our core vision of helping distributors be more efficient versions of themselves through the correct application of technology.”

In the mid-ninties, they launched Distribution One with a mission to provide distributors with a feature-rich, interconnected ERP software solution that reclaims efficiency through the automation of core procedures. Out of this entrepreneurial ambition grew the flagship distribution software: ERP-ONE.

Whether deploying via the Cloud and On-Premise, the turnkey ERP-ONE software contains all of the features distributors and wholesalers need to raise productivity and eliminate the costs of manual tasks: Order Entry, Financial Management, CRM, Inventory & Warehousing Management, Purchasing, Kitting, Reporting, Dashboards, Wireless Warehousing, VMI, Document Management, and more. ERP-ONE is easily navigable with user-friendly screens and rapid drilldowns into related customer, sales, and product data.

Through technology advancements, competition from Amazon, and pandemic-related productivity disruptions, distribution methodologies have evolved significantly over the past 25 years with significant changes happening within this past year. Yet, throughout this supply-chain digital transformation, Distribution One’s technology has positioned customers to successfully adapt and compete through functionality like the ecommONE E-Commerce platform, Amazon connectivity, Credit Card Processing, API & EDI services, and Mobile Apps for remote productivity.

“When pandemic started,” explains Larry, “Our customers were better positioned than most thanks to ERP-ONE technologies. User productivity was supported by remote engagement through secure VPN connections and integrated mobile apps. And with fewer staff in the office, companies were able to provide safer social distancing environments for their essential on-site employees. On the sales side, distributors that had already established our integrated E-Commerce platform easily scaled to the increased activity during the industry-wide shift to online sales.”

This focus on customer success continues to permeate all aspects of Distribution One. Helping to drive the customer-first strategy is Jim Maher, Director of Global Customer Success & Operations. “The pandemic and its related supply-chain disruptions forced a lot of companies to prioritize spending on digital initiatives and adopt technologies at an accelerated pace. Many were surprised to find that what they expected to take years to research and implement actually took days or weeks to execute. It fundamentally changed how people value technology—and that’s a great thing!

“Distribution One also had to make changes to how we serve and communicate with our customers. We moved to a more digital platform to expand our customer support services. We also leveraged video conference technology in both our implementation process and our ongoing D1 University education initiatives. These steps were crucial to better serving and informing our customers as they adopted new technologies.”

Serving customers across North America and into Europe, Distribution One holds offices in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, and Irving, Texas, and maintains a network of ERP specialists in eight states across the country. This team of distribution experts thrives on providing solutions and support to distributors in multiple industries: Fasteners, Industrial Supply, Specialty Tool & Hardware, Construction, Electrical, Plumbing & HVAC, San-Jan, Retail Fulfillment, Medical Equipment & Supplies, Paper & Packaging, Food Service, Automotive, and more.

“Looking ahead,” adds Larry, “Distribution One will be announcing information on a new ERP-ONE software release. We just unveiled a new digital HelpDesk platform and will be integrating our self-service documentation HelpSite into it. This year will also bring the news of an exciting partnership to provide tax code automation. And later this year, we will launching multiple INNOVATE User Conferences in multiple cities across the U.S.”

“As we plan for the future, I would also like to share my deepest gratitude to our family of customers and our skilled professional team at Distribution One. We wouldn’t be here without you. And even though we have achieved many amazing goals during the past 25 years, I promise that we’re nowhere close to being finished.”

Learn more about Distribution One at