Posted October 13, 2021

Mi-T-M Becomes an ESOP Company

Privately-owned Mi-T-M rewards its employees by converting to Employee Stock Ownership Plan.

Mi-T-M Corporation, a privately held company founded by A.J. Spiegel in 1971, announced plans to share ownership with employees by becoming owned by a 100% Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).

Mi-T-M is recognized worldwide as a leading manufacturer of industrial equipment, including hot and cold pressure washers, air compressors, portable generators, and water treatment systems.

Mi-T-M Corporation sells this equipment into the rental, construction, paint and contract cleaning industries. As an employee-owned company, Mi-T-M Corporation will continue to operate under the same business model and management structure as it has for the past 50 years.

Learn more about Mi-T-M products at