Woodgrain Selects Rocky Mount for $7.5 Million Expansion
Woodgrain manufactures moulding, millwork, windows, doors, door jambs and frames.
Woodgrain, Inc., a building products company, will create 42 new jobs in Nash County, Governor Roy Cooper announced today. The company will invest $7.5 million to expand its door-hanging operation in Rocky Mount.
“It’s great that Rocky Mount is Woodgrain’s top choice for its expansion,” said Governor Cooper. “This decision is indicative of the company’s positive experience with our strong communities, manufacturing economy and our world class workforce.”
Family-owned and operated since 1954, Woodgrain, Inc. is a vertically integrated manufacturer of moulding, millwork, windows, doors, door jambs and door frames. The company is headquartered in Idaho and has operations in Chile and the U.S. with seven locations in North Carolina, including a sawmill. This expansion will relocate Woodgrain’s existing operation to a 225,000 square feet facility.
“We are excited to expand our Rocky Mount operation, while also creating more jobs that will have a positive impact on this great community,” said Todd Dame, President of Woodgrain’s Distribution Division. “By expanding our manufacturing capabilities, we are able to further enhance our vertical integration, which plays an essential part in delivering on our commitment of creating quality millwork products. We continue to invest in North Carolina and thank all of our highly skilled associates for helping drive Woodgrain and American manufacturing.”
“From sourcing materials to supplying quality doors and framing products, Woodgrain knows the value that North Carolina brings to its operations,” said N.C. Commerce Secretary Machelle Baker Sanders. “With the largest manufacturing workforce in the Southeast, North Carolina is committed to providing a diverse, well-trained workforce to support global companies with their growth strategies.”
The new positions include production, warehouse, delivery, sales, and administrative personnel with a combined average annual salary of $44,464 for the positions, exceeding Nash County’s overall average annual wage of $44,377. The new jobs have the potential to create an annual payroll impact of more than $1.8 million.
A performance-based grant of $100,000 from the One North Carolina Fund will help with Woodgrain’s expansion in North Carolina. The One NC Fund provides financial assistance to local governments to help attract economic investment and to create jobs. Companies receive no money upfront and must meet job creation and capital investment targets to qualify for payment. All One NC grants require matching participation from local governments and any award is contingent upon that condition being met.
“We are excited to welcome these new jobs and increased investment to our community,” said N.C. Senator Lisa Barnes. “The people of Nash County are ready to support Woodgrain as they grow their presence here.”
“Announcements like this are the result of many hardworking people,” said N.C. Representative James D. Gailliard. “We appreciate the diligence of the local and state officials and economic development professionals that supported Woodgrain’s decision to expand in Rocky Mount.”
Joining the North Carolina Department of Commerce and the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina were key partners in the project that included the North Carolina General Assembly, North Carolina Community College System, Edgecombe Community College, Carolina Gateway Partnership and City of Rocky Mount.
Woodgrain is one of the leading millwork operations in the world with locations throughout the United States and Chile. With 68 years of quality craftsmanship and service, Woodgrain is a leading producer of mouldings, doors, and windows, as well as a premier distributor of specialty building products.
Woodgrain, Inc. is headquartered in Fruitland, Idaho with six divisions and over 45 manufacturing and warehouse facilities in the United States and South America. For more information, visit www.woodgrain.com.