


Did you make a New Year’s resolution to focus on personal and career growth? Don’t give up on it yet! STAFDA’s Excellence in Distribution is a key step in keeping your goals on track. The premier industry education program, EiD is designed specifically for professionals in the construction and industrial channels. Join your Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association colleagues March 11-13, 2025 at the Hilton Nashville Downtown for this intensive management school which will focus exclusively on wholesale distribution and the supply chain.

STAFDA and PTDA (the Power Transmission Distributors Association) members receive preferential pricing, but Excellence in Distribution is designed to serve the construction, industrial, electrical, HVAC, plumbing, LBM, safety, concrete, or any other market in the construction channel. It’s open to distributors, manufacturers, rep agents, general contractors, industry buying groups, and any professional who wants to learn and grow in their career. Share the EiD news with your industry colleagues!

The program is an intense management school with interactive workshops focused exclusively on wholesale distribution filling an educational void in the industry. Excellence speakers have been carefully selected based on their years of industry experience and proven success in their respective fields

Attendees will interact closely with these experts covering key topics such as operational challenges, growing sales, branding, digital marketing, sales structure and compensation, HR, profitability, warehousing and inventory, and key topics such as M&A and Capital Markets as well as Procurement, Policy, and Labor Relations. Renowned speakers include Alex Chausovsky, Dirk Beveridge, Ken Brown, Nancye Combs, Bob DeStefano, Alex Goldfayn, Paul Reilly, Jon Schreibfeder, Mike Staver, and others. The classes provide hands-on, interactive opportunities to give attendees a feel for how to use what they learn when they return home.
Alex Chausovsky
Alex Chausovsky

The Opening Keynote workshop, “From the Trenches: Distributors Reflect on Operational Challenges and Best Practices,” will be a can’t miss event. Alex Chausovsky of the Bundy Group will take a look at the economy, upcoming policy changes, and other business leading indicators providing understandable and actionable insights into the coming years. He’ll then moderate a panel of distributors and experts as they discuss what they’re seeing out in the STAFDA world and how to approach the trickiest issues.

While creating their personalized agendas, attendees can select courses ranging from Concierge Customer Service, Sales PRO 2.0, Finding Your Way: Creating a Compelling Brand Story, and Effective Warehouse Operations, and many more. The workshops have been designed to offer a variety of options for attendees in all positions within their company—especially since many small to mid-size members tackle a variety of responsibilities during the course of the day.

To end things with a positive bounce, Don Yaeger, long-time associate editor of Sports Illustrated, will give attendees the behind-the-scenes scoop on the greatest teams of all time, and how to embrace the habits in his presentation, “What Makes the Great Ones Great.”

Attendees also have time to socialize and connect with like-minded individuals in our industry. The agenda includes ample time for networking, allowing them to engage in meaningful conversations with other professionals and to build long-lasting relationships.

Nashville’s Excellence sessions will end at Noon, Thursday, March 13, allowing interested attendees to join an optional tour of Jack Daniels. Seeing how Jack handles whiskey distribution is a unique way to close out the experience.

To register and to see a complete list of speakers and workshops, please visit

For more information on these programs and STAFDA membership, please contact Catherine Usher, member services director, at (800) 352-2981 or email

This article originally appeared in the February/March 2025 issue of Contractor Supply magazine. Copyright,2025 Direct Business Media.