Posted October 24, 2024

Women in Distribution

Are you interested in expanding your influence within your career or maximizing your impact? Joining boards or committees within your industry or a nonprofit can create opportunities to expand your access, exposure, and professional opportunities.

Let’s explore how these roles can elevate your skill sets and how you can leverage them to accelerate your professional growth.


The tools and fasteners industry, like many others, thrives on connections. Board and committee roles offer additional networking opportunities to interact with industry leaders, innovators, and decision-makers who might not be within your existing network.

Potential action steps:

  • Identify industry-related boards or committees.
  • Activate association events, trade shows, and conferences by scheduling key meeting in advance.
  • Connect with board members on LinkedIn. Don’t just send a connection request; engage with their content and share your thoughts or insights.
  • Volunteer for industry events. This can put you in direct contact with board members and showcase your commitment to the industry.


Leadership skills are crucial for career advancement, but opportunities to develop these skills can be limited in your current role. Board and committee positions offer a platform to hone your leadership abilities in a different context.

Potential action steps:

  • Start with committee roles to build experience. Look for committees focused on areas you’re passionate about, such as product innovation or workforce development.
  • Volunteer for leadership positions within committees. This could involve heading a subcommittee or leading a specific initiative.
  • Document your committee achievements. Keep a detailed record of your contributions, challenges overcome, and results achieved.
  • Apply leadership lessons learned to your day job, demonstrating growth and readiness for advancement.


Boards and committees are at the forefront of industry trends, challenges, and opportunities. Participating in these groups can give you a bird’s-eye view of the industry, enhancing your strategic thinking and decision-making skills.

Women in DistributionPotential action steps:
  • Choose boards or committees aligned with your career goals and areas where you want to deepen your expertise.
  • Actively participate in discussions and decision-making processes. Don’t be afraid to voice your opinions and ask questions.
  • Use insights gained to improve your performance in your current role and to position yourself as a thought leader within your organization.
  • Share relevant (non-confidential) insights with your team, demonstrating your growing industry knowledge.


Board and committee roles can significantly raise your profile within the industry. This increased visibility can lead to new opportunities and accelerate your career progression.

Potential action steps:

  • Speak at industry events as a committee or board member. This positions you as an expert in your field.
  • Contribute to industry publications. Share your insights through articles, white papers, or blog posts.
  • Share your board experiences on professional social media platforms, highlighting key learnings and achievements.
  • Mentor younger professionals or speak at career events, further establishing your industry presence.


Board and committee work often requires skills that may differ from your day-to-day role. This is an excellent opportunity to broaden your skill set and become a more well-rounded professional.

Potential action steps:

  • Identify skill gaps in your current role or skills needed for your desired career path.
  • Seek board or committee positions that require these skills. For example, if you want to improve your financial acumen, look for roles involving budgeting or financial oversight.
  • Apply new skills in your day job to demonstrate growth and readiness for new challenges.
  • Seek feedback from fellow board members on your performance and areas for improvement.


Board and committee roles often put you in close contact with industry veterans who can serve as mentors, providing guidance and opening doors for your career.

Potential action steps:

  • Identify potential mentors among senior board members. Look for individuals whose career paths or leadership styles you admire.
  • Seek advice on career advancement and leadership development. These mentors can provide invaluable insights based on their own experiences.
  • Offer to reciprocate by sharing your unique perspectives or skills, creating a mutually beneficial relationship.


Board experience can be a steppingstone to executive positions, providing you with exposure to high-level decision-making processes and strategic thinking.

Potential action steps:

  • Gain exposure to high-level decision-making processes by volunteering for strategic planning committees or task forces.
  • Learn about corporate governance and strategy. Many boards offer training sessions for new members – take full advantage of these.
  • Build relationships with C-suite executives who serve on the board. Observe their leadership styles and decision-making processes.
  • Take on progressively more responsible roles within the board or committee structure to demonstrate your leadership capabilities.


Board and committee roles allow you to contribute to your professional growth, creating a lasting impact beyond your career.

Potential action steps:

  • Share your unique perspective as a woman in the industry. Your experiences and insights can help shape more inclusive policies and practices.
  • Mentor younger professionals, particularly women entering the industry. Your guidance can help create a strong pipeline of future leaders.
  • Contribute to initiatives that support women in the tools and fasteners sector, such as scholarship programs or professional development workshops.


Board and committee experience can significantly enhance your résumé, making you a more attractive candidate for senior roles within your company or elsewhere in the industry.

Potential action steps:

  • Clearly list board and committee roles on your résumé and LinkedIn profile. Include the organization, your role, and the duration of your service.
  • Quantify your contributions and achievements in these roles. For example, “Led a committee initiative that increased member engagement by 30%.”
  • Use these experiences to demonstrate leadership, strategic thinking, and industry expertise in job interviews or when seeking promotions.


Research: Identify boards or committees within your industry association or related organizations. The Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association is an excellent place to start.

Network: Attend industry events and express your interest in board or committee roles. Be proactive in introducing yourself to current board members. Start this November at STAFDA in Nashville, book your 1:1 meeting early!

Build Your Stepping Stones: Begin with manageable roles to gain experience that can act as a stepping stone for committee leads or board positions.

Prepare: Develop a strong personal brand and articulate how you can contribute. Be ready to explain why you’re interested and what unique perspectives you bring.

Apply: Submit applications to a committee or board position or express interest to current board members. Don’t be discouraged if you’re not selected immediately – persistence often pays off.

Commit: Once accepted, fully engage in your role and deliver tangible results. Your performance in these roles can open doors to even greater opportunities.

Remember, board and committee roles require time and dedication, but the access, exposure, and professional opportunities they provide can be priceless for advancing your career. By taking these steps, you’re not only investing in your future but also helping to contribute in new ways. As more women step into these leadership roles, we create a more diverse, innovative, and resilient industry for all.


Award-winning author, tech leader and family business owner JJ DiGeronimo will host the Women in Distribution Luncheon, “Finding & Aligning Your Career Catalysts” on Sunday, Nov. 10 from Noon-1:30 p.m.

JJ DiGeronimo
JJ DiGeronimo

If this piques your interest, check out Chapter 16: Identifying, Joining, and Participating on Board from JJ DiGeronimo’s second book, Accelerate Your Impact: Action-Based Strategies to Pave Your Professional Path. More details can be found at Join her at STAFDA 2024 on Sunday, Nov. 10, 2024, from noon- 1:30 p.m. for the “Women in Distribution” Luncheon.

This article originally appeared in the October/November 2024 issue of Contractor Supply magazine. Copyright, 2024 Direct Business Media