Posted October 24, 2024

Hello, I Must Be Going

Tom Hammel
Tom Hammel

STAFDA Convention season is the most exciting time of the year for many of us, with the run up anticipation for the convention and trade show, which takes place this year from November 10 to 12 in Nashville. (We hope you have booked your rooms!)

Nashville is within easy reach of anywhere in the eastern United States. In fact, some 50% of the U.S. population lives within 650 miles of Nashville. Music City Center, right downtown, is one block from Broadway, home to one of the nation’s highest concentrations of music venues and celebrity saloons. If you can’t whet your whistle here, you can’t do it anywhere.

STAFDA continues to load up the Convention and Trade Show with value every year. Among this year’s news and newer convention offerings are an expanded Power Aisle of New Products, the return of the Women in Distribution Luncheon with JJ DiGeronimo and the Emerging Leaders Forum with moderator Mark Noon.

This year will also feature a Panel Discussion to conclude the General Session on the “Tools of Tomorrow: Levering AI and Innovation in Construction and Industry,” moderated by STAFDA’s Cyber Security Consultant, Mike Foster.

It is our annual privilege to profile the incoming STAFDA president. For 2025, that is Dale Hahs II, owner of AIS Industrial & Construction Supply of Denver, Colorado. Dale and his 45 employees serve greater Denver contractors and a growing universe of online customers.

Today, AIS generates more than $600,000 each year in online sales, primarily through Amazon and eBay. Rather than seeing them as threats, Dale uses Amazon and eBay as tools to help AIS expand its sales territory without needing to open more branches — and as excellent venues for off-loading slow-moving and obsolete stock. Led by Dale and his son, Taylor, AIS is a superb example of a progressive family dealership succeeding in a highly competitive market.

Ryan Whisner
Ryan Whisner

More importantly, you will note a new name as author of our cover story in this issue. Our new editor, Ryan Whisner, brings more than 25 years of experience as an editor and reporter to Contractor Supply. Ryan holds a degree in journalism and was a newspaper reporter and editor for over 20 years. In trade publishing, Ryan has worked in the construction equipment, outdoor power and landscaping industries and we are thrilled to have a pro of his level onboard. Welcome, Ryan!

This year’s STAFDA Convention will be my last in this channel. It has been an honor serving this great industry and its wonderful trade association, STAFDA. But it is time for me to retire while I can still indulge those vices I have put off for the last 30 years — listening to music too loud, inhaling wood dust and varnish fumes and riding motorcycles too fast. I also hope to spend a lot of time on beaches sipping umbrella drinks. And, I will still be a partner in this company, so I will be around.

To my friends and associates in this field, thank you all sincerely. In closing, as the great Groucho Marx said, (but with more heart), “Hello, I must be going. I’m glad I came, but just the same, I must be going.” Farewell!

Tom Hammel, retired Editor


Ryan Whisner, Editor

This article originally appeared in the October/November 2024 issue of Contractor Supply magazine. Copyright, 2024 Direct Business Media.