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GlassBlast Sandblasting Media

GlassBlast Sandblasting Media

GlassBlast was created with the goal of making sure the blast media user stays ahead of future industry regulations. GlassBlast is a 100% post consumer waste product processed in the local markets to assure minimal environmental impact. Third party evaluations confirmed what we already knew — GlassBlast outperforms garnet! In side-by-side comparisons conducted by a major refinery, GlassBlast was equal or superior to garnet in each test.

GlassBlast is now a proud member of the U.S. Green Building Council. USGBC is a non-profit organization dedicated to sustainable building design and construction. Our goal is to promote all products that are environmentally friendly and to develop relationships with other companies with like visions. The acceptance of GlassBlast into the council was very positive and we look forward to being involved with LEED (Leadership in Energy and Envioromental Design) discussions moving forward.

GlassBlast is available in three grades:

  • Course, for  applications on rust, bridges, ships, concrete dressing, steel surfaces, 4+ profile
  • Medium, for stainless steel, light scale, graffiti, concrete dressing, 1.0 to 4.0 profile
  • Fine, for soft materials and degreasing, 0.5 to 1.0 profile

The founders of GlassBlast have individually over 30 years experience each in the North American construction products and wholesale distribution business. From humble beginnings in California we have previously built nationwide operations with the primary focus on customer service. A keen understanding of the need for product quality, consistency, delivery and problem solving are the keys to satisfied customers. We are here to answer all your questions and concerns. Also, we would love to hear any ideas or suggestions on alternative uses you may have for recycled glass. Please contact us directly at or